Tuesday, 2 June 2009
I returned to The Gambia on the 20th march hoping to see the nursery up and running. Unfortunately, the school was still without a roof - we were still awaiting the mahogany for the roof rafters! Very disappointed!!!
Despite not having a roof the school was a hive of activity - the builders and labourers were busy with plastering all of the internal walls, concreting the floors and rendering the outside of the building.
After a long 5 month wait, the mahogany rafters were delivered to the school the day before i returned to the UK. The following day as I started my journey home the carpenter and labourers began their work on the roof.
I'm extremely happy to announce that the school building was opened in time for the children to return after their Easter break - nearly a year overdue but we got there in the end!
Although the temporary classrooms were a Godsend, they were so cramped and we had to limit the number of children who attended each day. From october 09 all of the chidren who have registered at the school can attend every day.
The toilet block and perimeter wall are now in the prcess of being built.
Our aim is to have it all competed and the school registered with the education department by November of this year.