Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Online Diary: NEWS UPDATE

Saturday, 31 May 2008


Our Clairvoyant evening featuring Michael Kingscote, which was held on the 3rd May in Firle Village Hall was (yet again) a big success. We raised £325. Michael along with Ella Moonbridge (Psychic artist) gave us all a very entertaining evening. I realise and understand that this sort of thing is not for everyone - some people attended just to support the charity, others attended because they were curious and others attended because they are great believers. Whatever their reasons there was no negative feedback at all, in fact one person who has recently suffered many hardships said that Michael had given her real hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to all who attended, Michael and Ella who gave us their services free of charge.

We also received a cheque for £500 from Elaine Foster Gandi of Designer Sales UK. Elaine/DSUK is supporting The Gambia Reality by giving us donations from her sales of designer clothes in London. This donation will go towards adding the finishing touches to The Gambia Reality Nursery School in Sanyang. Thank you Elaine - £500 will go a long way in The Gambia.

This brings me to the update on the nursery school - all building works have been completed and the frame for the roof is in place. As it is now nearing the end of the academic year and the rainy season is due to start in June, Lamin has been advised to leave the roof until the rains have started. Apparently, (I wouldn't know as I'm no builder) if the cement/concrete receives a really good soaking, it strengthens it!
The school will be completed 100% and operational by the time the children return for the start of the next academic year. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it will also be an officially registered nursery school by then. There will also be an official inauguration ceremony during my visit in November.
Mariama Sanneh, the main teacher at the nursery, will be sitting her college entrance exam this month. She has been sponsored by a person in Oxford to attend the 3 year teacher training course. I wish her luck in passing the entrance exam.
Many of you met Lamin during his stay in Firle last year - I have just had confirmation that he will be arriving in the UK on the 1st July again. He will return home in September. Lamin is looking forward to being a part of Firle community again and seeing the beautiful nature that we have in this country


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