Become a Member of The Gambia Reality
All membership will begin on the 1st January each year and will either be backdated or brought forward. You will receive a minimum of 2 newsletters ( probably more) throughout the year plus any other publications we produce including news of events etc. All of these publications will be sent via email or by post for those who prefer a hard copy or do not have access to a computer.
All monies raised from these subscriptions will go towards covering the spiralling administration costs eg printing of newsletter, children's details and photo for sponsors, leaflets,
business cards, postage, calendars etc. Please note that all persons involved in any aspect of our charity work DO NOT receive payment for their time - all work is carried out on a voluntary basis.
To date I have covered all costs but as the charity is growing larger the admin costs have escalated. All subcription monies will be logged separately from the actual charity donations/fundraising. The balance remaining at the end of December each year will be transferred to the general charity pot as a donation.
To become a member please contact me either via email or phone on 01273 858502.